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Always there but never seen.
But what if we did see?
How big a role does learned helplessness and conditioning play in your learning difficulties?
10/10 The Golden Hour in language learning: Discover the hidden art of motivation in learning SIX steps
7/10 A handful of seeds or a forest of trees? A KEY secret to quickly gaining fluency in Chinese
4/10 Why learning Chinese characters may actually make learning Chinese EASIER than Pinyin alone
1/10: The secret to finally overcoming the phenomena of difficulty in learning Chinese
In search of the perfect Christmas Tree.
How do you see perfection?
How do you measure success?
What do you count as achievements?
9/10 Discover EIGHT techniques to developing the power of intuition in Chinese language learning
6/10 Why using all five senses in learning may be a HIDDEN KEY to succeeding in learning Chinese
3/10 Never one without two: the TOP secret to optimizing your learning environment in Chinese
How I learnt Chinese in just one year - the ultimate 10-part guide to learning Chinese
Greatness may appear a solitary affair on the surface, but look closely and what do you see?
"Tap tap come out" trilled the ladybug. "Your wings are beautiful. Come out to fly"
8/10 The secret to learning Chinese vocabulary - Go from forgetting to remembering in 1 easy step
5/10 The challenge of learning Chinese: Why challenge in learning is a key factor to success
2/10: The four tones in Chinese: Discover the KEY secret to actually understanding Chinese