I'm a little bit like this bug here. Except I don't have wings. (Secretly I do)
I love how in nature everything is connected and one thing always serves for something else. A large system and network of practicality and resourcefulness.
Nothing is wasted. Nothing is for nothing.
Simple. Practical.
Working as an entrepreneur for many years now, work hours just don't exist. Life is work. Work is life. And yet, I've always refused to call myself busy and always challenged myself to seamlessly integrate work, relaxation and life to become one complete whole.
Each serving to nourish and resource the other in an endless circle. And if they can do all three, even better! 一箭双雕
Photography does just that. It gives me an outlet to create and discover and design. It satisfies my need for art for when I don’t have the time to get out the paints. It is an integral part of my work and takes not even minutes to execute. I love to focus on detail, layout, angles, shapes, colours, moments in time.
Looking at the overlooked. Bringing out the beautiful.
Check out some of my other pictures on my photography page @ruzancreatives and discover the story behind this little guy.
What's your version of being busy?
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